Assessment of Macular Perfusion in Normal and Myopic Eyes by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 ophthalmology Department Faculty of Medicine- Benha University

2 Professor of ophthalmology Department Faculty of Medicine- Benha University

3 Lecturer of ophthalmology Department Faculty of Medicine- Benha University


Background: Myopia has become a significant public health issue around the world, and high myopia is expected to affect approximately 10 percent of the population worldwide. Myopia at a high level has negative effects on the economy and society as well as permanent vision damage.With information about the macula's structures and vascular characteristics, the pathogenesis of macular degeneration can be investigated. Objective: Assess the macular perfusion in normal and myopic eyes by OCTA. Patients and methods This research involved 60 eyes from 60 participants, which were split evenly between two groups. The first group, which served as the study's control group, comprised 30 normal eyes, while the second group comprised 30 myopic eyes. Every case that was included was subjected to a comprehensive history review as well as a thorough ophthalmological examination. Along with measuring the superficial and deep macular vessels density, the OCTA was used to measure the thickness of the various retinal regions. Results: When compared to the myopia group, the Average, Superior , Inferior , Nasal, and Temporal RNFL were all significantly elevated in terms of statistical significance (P) (less 0.001).The mean density of superficial, , deep macular vessel and superficial fovea vessel in the control when compared to the myopic group, had a value that was statistically and significantly higher. Conclusion: Myopia thins retinal layers and reduces macular and foveal density. The Coherence of Light Tomography angiography is a sensitive measurement that can detect changes in macula and fovea that are brought on by myopia.


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