Abstract Background: Organizational excellence is a challenge that can be met through human resources management, which aids educational organizations in enhancing and increasing their capacity for productivity and competitiveness in their field. The study aimed to assess organizational excellence and its relation to human resources management as perceived by academic teaching staff. Design: The study used a descriptive correlational design. Setting: The study was carried out throughout all academic departments at Benha University's Faculty of Nursing. Subjects: Included all of the 103 academic teaching staff in all academic departments at Benha University's Faculty of Nursing. Two tools were used for data collection: Organizational Excellence Questionnaire, Human Resources Management Questionnaire. Results indicated that the majority of the academic teaching staff (91.3%) felt there was a high degree of organizational excellence and the most (82.5%) of them perceived high level of human resources management. Conclusion: The study concluded that, there was highly statistically significant positive correlation between total organizational excellence and total human resources management as perceived by the academic teaching staff. The study recommended that the Faculty administration should intensify the training of the academic staff on the standards of excellence management through seminars, workshops and forums. In addition to, providing continuous feedback individually to the academic teaching staff for identifying their strengths and weakness in the performance.
Ahmed, N., Ahmed, E., & Ismail, Z. (2023). organizational excellence and its relation to human resources management as percieved by academic teaching staff. Benha Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4), 139-146. doi: 10.21608/bjas.2023.191858.1055
Nermeen Abdelhameeed Ahmed; Ebtesam Saed Ahmed; Zienab Ibrahim Ismail. "organizational excellence and its relation to human resources management as percieved by academic teaching staff", Benha Journal of Applied Sciences, 8, 4, 2023, 139-146. doi: 10.21608/bjas.2023.191858.1055
Ahmed, N., Ahmed, E., Ismail, Z. (2023). 'organizational excellence and its relation to human resources management as percieved by academic teaching staff', Benha Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4), pp. 139-146. doi: 10.21608/bjas.2023.191858.1055
Ahmed, N., Ahmed, E., Ismail, Z. organizational excellence and its relation to human resources management as percieved by academic teaching staff. Benha Journal of Applied Sciences, 2023; 8(4): 139-146. doi: 10.21608/bjas.2023.191858.1055