The Relation between Caring Leadership and Crisis Management during Covid 19 as Perceived by Nursing Staff

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University

2 Nursing Administration Dept., Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Background: Caring leadership concern for others that can positively affect on the behave of the nursing staff in crisis management during COVID-19. Aim of this study: Assess the relation between caring leadership and crisis management during COVID-19 as perceived by nursing staff. Study design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at Benha University hospital in all Critical Care Units. Subjects: Consisted of the head nurses50 and the staff nurses 250 in all critical care unit. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used in data collection; Caring Leadership Questionnaire and Crisis Management Questionnaire. Results: Clarifies that the highest percent (90.0% & 77.2%) of the head nurses and staff nurses respectively had high perception levels toward caring leadership during COVID-19. While the lowest percent (4.0% & 3.6) of head nurses and staff nurses respectively had low perception level. While the lowest percent (22.0%& 3.2%) of the head nurses and staff nurses respectively had low perception level. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between total score of caring leadership and total score of crisis management during COVID-19 among nursing staff. Recommendations: Head nurses provide nurses with supportive environment to achieve work goal. Conducting training programs and workshop to the nursing staff to improve their knowledge and updating their information about how to manage the crisis of COVID-19 as the proper using of oxygen therapy with COVID19 patient.


Main Subjects