Educational Needs Regarding Nursing Informatics and its Relation to Quality of Care as Perceived by Nurses

Document Type : Original Research Papers


Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University


Background: In both nursing practise and education, nursing informatics is crucial. In order to increase the quality of care, it is important to focus on the educational needs of nurses in relation to nursing informatics.. Aim: Assess educational needs regarding nursing informatics and its relation to quality of care as perceived by nurses. Design: A descriptive correlational research design was used. Setting: Critical care units at Benha University Hospital. Subjects: The convenience sample included (418) nurses who had previously worked.. Tools of data collection: Two tools were utilized. I) Nursing informatics educational needs questionnaire. II) Quality of care questioners. Results: Nursing informatics education requirements were highest for associated nursing skills (74.9%), then for computer skills (72.7%), and then for information technology skills (69.1%). Additionally, 46.7% of nurses believed that there was a great need for nursing informatics education. The majority of nurses roughly 50%said the quality of the care was high. Conclusion: Between the requirement for education and the standard of care, there was a statistically insignificant negative association.. Recommendations: to raise nurses' awareness, acquire their support, and involve them in the topic of nursing informatics, hospital managers must hold in-service training sessions, workshops, and seminars.


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