Effect of Expressed Emotion Management Program on Self Control and Social Adjustment among Substance Abusers

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Benha University

2 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, El-Menoufia University


Background: Substance abuse is one of the major health and social problems that seriously impairs people's self-control and social adjustment. The study's goal was to assess the impact of an expressed emotion management programme on self-control and social adjustment in substance abusers. To achieve the study's goal, a quasi experimental design (pre and posttest) was used. The study was carried out at the Addiction Treatment Center and Addiction Clinic at the Psychiatric Mental Health Hospital in Benha City, Qalubia Governorate, which is affiliated with the general secretariat. Subjects: For this study, a convenience sample of 40 substance abusers was used. For data collection, three tools were used. To collect data, tool 1 was a structured interview questionnaire. was used to collect information about the studied sample's sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. To assess self-control, the Tool 2- Self Control Scale was used. To assess social adjustment, use Tool 3: Social Adjustment Scale. The study found that there was a significant improvement in self-control and social adjustment among substance abusers after the programme compared to before it, and there was a high significant statistical positive correlation between total self-control and total social adjustment among the studied subjects after programme implementation. Conclusion: The expressed emotion management programme had a positive effect on substance abusers' self-control and social adjustment. Recommendations: A self-control and social adjustment expressed emotion management programme should be implemented in addiction clinics and treatment centres For those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.


Main Subjects