Effect of On -Job Training Program on Nurses' Compliance and Satisfaction with Infection Control Measures at Obstetric Operating Room

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Benha University.

2 Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

3 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University,


Background: The primary area of concentration in the operating room for obstetrics is infection control. Nurses engaged practise infection control diminish the probability of pathogens getting to women. Aim of the study: study intention was meet out in what way an on-the-job training program light speed nurses' compliance and satisfaction with infection control procedures inside obstetric operating apartment. Design: To conduct the study, a quasi-experimental approach was taken Setting: The study was done in the obstetrics operating room of the Benha. Sample: will involve all (70) nurses who work in the obstetric operating room. Tools: Structured interview questions, an observation checklist, and nurses' satisfaction. Results: shows that there was a highly statistically significant improvement in wearing protective clothing, surgical hand washing, gloving, gowning, masking, handling sharp instruments, cleaning, and sterilization in post-on-the-job training program compared to 28.6 percent, 31.4 percent, 54.3 percent, 28.6 percent, 40.0 percent, 31.4 percent. Conclusion: Compared to before the on-the-job training program, there was a highly statistically significant improvement in nurses' overall knowledge, compliance, and satisfaction. Recommendations: Continued on-the-job training programs should be used to update nurses' knowledge and compliance.


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