Psychological Problems and Coping Patterns among Mothers of Children with Thalassemia

Document Type : Original Research Papers


Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Dept., Faculty of Nursing, Benha University.


Background: Mothers of children with thalassemia usually experience many psychological problems which negatively affect not only all quality of life domains but also, their coping patterns towards their children illness.  Aim: study purpose is to evaluate the psychological status issues and coping mechanisms among moms of children diagnosed with thalassemia. Research design: This study will be conducted with a descriptive design. Setting: The blood transfusion facility at the blood disorders department of Benha Specialized Children Hospital in Qaliubiya Governorate is where the study was carried out. Sample: For the aforementioned scenario, 100 mothers of thalassemia children were gathered as a purposeful sample. Tools: To collect data, three instruments were employed; 1st tool: A sheet of structured Interviewing Questionnaire, 2nd tool: Scale ofDepression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS) and 3rd tool: Scale ofCoping patterns. Results: showed that higher than half of the moms who were tested with moderate levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. Additionally, higher than half of them displayed poor overall coping strategies.  Conclusion: According to the findings, among the mothers who were tested, a highly statistically significant positive link is between overall depression, anxiety, and stress. While a highly statistically significant inverse relationship is between the mothers' overall coping strategies and their levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. Recommendations: to lessen their psychological issues and improve their coping skills, all moms of children with thalassemia should participate in a psycho-educational training program.
Background: Mothers of children with thalassemia usually experience many psychological problems which negatively affect not only all quality of life domains but also, their coping patterns towards their children illness. Aim: This study aims to assess psychological problems and coping patterns among mothers of children with thalassemia. Research design: A descriptive design will be utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at blood transfusion unit in blood diseases department at Benha specialized children hospital, Qaliubiya Governorate. Sample: A purposive sample of (100) mothers of children with thalassemia were taken for the previously mentioned setting. Tools: Three tools were utilized to collect data; Tool (I): A structured Interviewing Questionnaire Sheet, Tool (II): Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale (DASS) and Tool (III): Coping patterns scale. Results: findings reflected that half of studied mothers had moderate level of depression and more than half of them had moderate level of anxiety and stress. In addition, more than half of them had low level of total coping patterns. Conclusion: Based on the results, there is a highly statistically significant positive correlation between total depression, anxiety and stress among the studied mothers. While, there is a highly statistically significant negative correlation between total depression, anxiety, stress and the total coping patterns among the studied mothers. Recommendations: Implementation an psycho educational training program for all mothers of children with thalassemia to decrease their psychological problems and enhance their coping patterns.


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