Evaluation Of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Using Multidetector CT Angiography Versus Conventional Coronary Angiography: Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Radiology Dept., Faculty of medicine, Benha University

2 Cardiology Dept., faculty of medicine, Benha university

3 Radiology Dept., National heart institute


Background: Standard treatment for advanced coronary artery disease is CABG surgery. Due to their short lifespan, coronary artery bypass grafts require imaging analysis. Although conventional coronary angiography is the gold standard for imaging coronary arteries and coronary artery bypass grafts, it has a number of drawbacks. Thanks to advancements in MDCT coronary angiography, it plays a crucial role in imaging coronary artery bypass grafts and permits the examination of additional post-operative problems. Aim: This study aimed to compare MDCT coronary angiography and conventional coronary angiography for CABG assessment. Patients and methods: This prospective study included 50 patients with past history of CABG surgery presented to radiology department, Benha university hospital and national heart institute. All patients were evaluated by MDCT coronary angiography as well as conventional coronary angiography as a reference. Results: 122 grafts were included in the study, 48 were arterial and 74 were venous grafts. Regarding arterial grafts, 46 were LIMA-LAD grafts, 39 of which were patent, 3 had significant stenosis and 4 were occluded. The RIMA–RCA was patent and the Radial-OM graft showed significant stenosis. Regarding venous grafts, 17 grafts were patent, 6 grafts showed significant stenosis, and 51 grafts were occluded. Conclusion: MDCT coronary angiography is a reliable non-invasive imaging tool in assessment of CABG.
Background: Standard treatment for advanced coronary artery disease is CABG surgery. Due to their short lifespan, coronary artery bypass grafts require imaging analysis. Although conventional coronary angiography is the gold standard for imaging coronary arteries and coronary artery bypass grafts, it has a number of drawbacks. Thanks to advancements in MDCT coronary angiography, it plays a crucial role in imaging coronary artery bypass grafts and permits the examination of additional post-operative problems. Aim: This study aimed to compare MDCT coronary angiography and conventional coronary angiography for CABG assessment. Patients and methods: This prospective study included 50 patients with past history of CABG surgery presented to radiology department, Benha university hospital and national heart institute. All patients were evaluated by MDCT coronary angiography as well as conventional coronary angiography as a reference. Results: 122 grafts were included in the study, 48 were arterial and 74 were venous grafts. Regarding arterial grafts, 46 were LIMA-LAD grafts, 39 of which were patent, 3 had significant stenosis and 4 were occluded. The RIMA–RCA was patent and the Radial-OM graft showed significant stenosis. Regarding venous grafts, 17 grafts were patent, 6 grafts showed significant stenosis, and 51 grafts were occluded. Conclusion: MDCT coronary angiography is a reliable non-invasive imaging tool in assessment of CABG.


Main Subjects