Educational Health Program for Mothers regarding Care of Their Preschool Children with Trachoma in Benha City

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.


Background: Trachoma is an infectious disease that first manifests in young children after Chlamydia trachomatis repeatedly infects the conjunctiva. Aim: In the current study, mothers in Benha City were asked to evaluate the impact of a health education program on how they cared for their preschoolers who had trachoma. Design: It was conducted using a quasi-experimental study design. Setting: At the Ophthalmic Hospital in Benha City, the study was carried out in the outpatient clinics. Sample a simple random sample of 271 mothers was used. Tools: For data collection, two instruments were employed; A structured interviewing questionnaire is tool number one, it contained two parts; Four items were present in Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics of the mothers, personal characteristics of preschoolers, history of trachoma and environmental assessment. Part II covered mothers' knowledge of trachoma and its prevention, as well as their knowledge of the investigated children's personal characteristics, health history related to trachoma. Mothers provided information about trachoma practices in the tool (II). Results: The study clarified that 34% of the studied mothers having preschool children aged 35 - < 40 years old with mean ± SD was 39.31±9.03, 72.7% of them were married, 56.1% of them didn’t work . Conclusion: Utilizing a health education program helped mothers' practices and knowledge to significantly improve. Recommendations: Implementing health promotion, health education, and screening approaches for the early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of trachoma in all community settings by distributing booklets.


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