Effect of Psycho-Educational Program on Activity of Daily Living Among Schizophrenic Patients

Document Type : Original Research Papers


Mental Health Nursing Dept., Faculty of Nursing, Benha University


Background: Activity of daily living are basic self-care routine activities that people tend do every day without needing assistance. Mentally ill people may need long term services to carry out activities of daily living. Aim: the study aims to evaluate the effect of psycho-educational program on activity of daily living among schizophrenic patients. Design: A quasi-experimental design (pre and post-test) will be used. Setting: This study was conducted at in-patient of Psychiatric and Mental Health Hospital in Benha City, Qalubia Governorate, which is affiliated to General Secretariat. Subjects: Convenience sample of 40 chronic hospitalized schizophrenic patients. Tools: Data were collected using tool one: A semi structured interview sheet that, which include two  parts;- Part one: Socio-demographic sheet including personal data of the schizophrenic patients ,Part two: Clinical data about schizophrenic patients, Tool two: Observational checklist about activities of daily living for schizophrenic hospitalized patients, developed by the researcher. Results: The present study showed that, more than half of the schizophrenic patients were dependent on others in doing their activities of daily living pre the psycho-educational program implementation which decreased to more than one third post the psycho-educational program implementation, there was a highly statistically significant differences found of the schizophrenic patients'' total activities of daily living score between pre and post of psycho-educational program implementation. Conclusion: Psycho educational program had a positive effect on  activity of daily living among schizophrenic patients. Recommendations: Training   program for nurses  to help and accomplish the expected patient care outcome. Raise nursing staff awareness about the importance of activities of daily living for schizophrenic patients, through mass media, posters, psychiatric patient videos and illustrated booklet.    Background: Activity of daily living are basic self-care routine activities that people tend do every day without needing assistance. Aim: the study aims to evaluate the effect of psycho-educational program on activity of daily living among schizophrenic patients. Design A quasi-experimental design (pre and post-test) will be used. Setting: This study was conducted at in-patient of Psychiatric and Mental Health Hospital in Benha City, Qalubia Governorate, which is affiliated to General Secretariat. Subjects: Convenience sample of 40 chronic hospitalized schizophrenic patients. Tools: Data were collected using tool one: A semi structured interview sheet that, which include two parts;- Part one: Socio-demographic sheet including personal data of the schizophrenic patients ,Part two:Clinical data about schizophrenic patients,Tool two:Observational checklist about activities of daily living for schizophrenic hospitalized patients,deveioped by the researcher. Results: The total activities of daily living score of schizophrenic patient''s pre and post program implementation,the preseny study showed that, more than half of the schizophrenic patients were dependent on others in doing their activities of daily living pre the psycho-educational program implementation which decreased to more than one third post the psycho-educational program implementation, this may be due to the psycho-educational program improves self-management behaviors and self-care and improve coping abilities. Conclusion: Psycho educational program had a positive effect on activity of daily living among schizophrenic patients''. Recommendations:Traning porogram for nurses to help and accomplish the expected patient care outcome.


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