Detection of subclinical right and left ventricular dysfunction inyoung Egyptians with type 1 diabetes mellitus using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Pediatrics Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University

2 Cardiology Dept., Faculty Of Medicine, Benha University


Objective: This research set out to evaluate. Detection of subclinical right and left ventricular dysfunction using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in young Egyptians with type 1 diabetes mellitus.The method used was a case-control research with a 40-case and 40-control group. All cases and controls underwent conventional, tissue Doppler, and speckle tracking Echocardiography; cases were drawn from patients at Benha University hospitals with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes; controls were drawn from children at an outpatient vaccination clinic and from the general population.The research found that there were a total of 80 patients (40 in the case group, 14 men and 26 women, and 40 in the control group, 18 men and 22 women).Speckle tracking Echocardiography reveals systolic failure in the diabetes patients' left and right ventricles, with mean+-SDglobal longitudinal strain [-17.32 7.07] and[-18.95 2.02], and corresponding P values of 0.006 and 0,001, respectively. In summary, subclinical cardiomyopathy may be detected with speckle tracing Echcardiography in children with type 1 diabetes.
Objective: This research set out to evaluate. Detection of subclinical right and left ventricular dysfunction using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in young Egyptians with type 1 diabetes mellitus.The method used was a case-control research with a 40-case and 40-control group. All cases and controls underwent conventional, tissue Doppler, and speckle tracking Echocardiography; cases were drawn from patients at Benha University hospitals with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes; controls were drawn from children at an outpatient vaccination clinic and from the general population.The research found that there were a total of 80 patients (40 in the case group, 14 men and 26 women, and 40 in the control group, 18 men and 22 women).Speckle tracking Echocardiography reveals systolic failure in the diabetes patients' left and right ventricles, with mean+-SDglobal longitudinal strain [-17.32 7.07] and[-18.95 2.02], and corresponding P values of 0.006 and 0,001, respectively. In summary, subclinical cardiomyopathy may be detected with speckle tracing Echcardiography in children with type 1 diabetes.


Main Subjects