Short vs long segment fixation of dorsolumbar burst fracture

Document Type : Original Research Papers


orthopedic surgery Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University


Thoracic and lumbar fractures represent nearly 90% of traumatic spine injuries. Thoracolumbar region is susceptible to injury because of its location between the stiff kyphotic thoracic spine and the mobile lordotic lumbar region. This study aimed to predict the outcome of these fixations on the patients and detect the functional stability of vertebral column after fixation regarding pain, deformity, motor deficit, and disability. 20 patients were included in our study. All those patients were subjected to history taking, general and neurological examination, radiological investigations as x-rays and CT spine and also MRI spine when indicated. The study reveals the following, Males are affected more than females with mean age in groups A and B were 34 ±8 and 30 ±10.Falling from height is the most common cause of thoracolumbar spine fractures then road traffic accidents (RTA). The majority of the patients had no associated trauma to other systems rather than thoracolumbar fractures. L1&L3 levels were found to be the most common neurological level on admission detected in 6 cases (30%) then L2 level in 5 cases (25%).Back pain was the main presentation in thoracolumbar spine fractures that improved in clinical follow up. No neurological deficit was reported in group A compared to 30% in group B.. But long segment fixation gives more stability specially in multilevel fractures with minimal acceptable sacrifice of spine mobility.


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