Assessment of The Neonatal Transport Service in Benha

Document Type : Original Research Papers


Pediatrics and Neonatology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University


Objectives: to evaluate neonatal transport service in Benha city to assess the outcome of transported newborn and the risk factors of poor outcome. Study Design: prospective observational study. Results: The inter-facility transport of critically ill newborns is an important part of regionalised perinatal care. It enables ill or preterm neonates to receive the best possible care from medical staff with an appropriate level of expertise. The median age on admission was 3 days, ranging from 0.1 to 25 days. The mean gestational age was 35 ±3. Regarding gender, about two-thirds were males (61%). The median birth weight was 2.4 kg, ranging from 1 – 4.6 kg. The most frequent mode of delivery was cesarean section (91%). The median transport duration was 12 minutes, ranging from 5 – 70 minutes. About two-thirds were accompanied by paramedical personnel only. Conclusion Interhospital transport of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants may cause deterioration in their physiologic status, the likelihood of which is increased with longer duration of transport. Better temperature regulation during interhospital transport may decrease the chances of deterioration in physiological status of low birth weight infants.


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