Serum Clusterin Level in with Post Adolescent Acne

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University.

2 Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University.


Post-Adult acne is different from teenage acne and is becoming more common, especially in women's skin. Effective management requires knowledge of the causes and conditions that led to this predicament. Multiple systemic and skin diseases may use the multifunctional glycoprotein serum clusterin as a biomarker. The purpose of this review is to examine serum clusterin's potential function in patients with adult acne as thoroughly as possible. We examine clusterin's multiple functions in systemic disorders, inflammation, immunology, the NFB pathway, apoptosis, and dermatological diseases, as well as its clinical features, aggravating variables, comorbidities, and relevant research in the context of post-adolescent acne. We also talk about the possible clinical consequences of serum clusterin levels in the setting of adult acne.
After puberty, serum clusterin may be useful as a diagnostic and predictive marker for acne. Its multifunctional features imply it may play a major role in the inflammatory and immunological processes causing acne; nevertheless, its precise mechanisms in the pathogenesis of acne have yet to be completely explored.


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