Dental changes in psoriasis

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Dermatology , Venereology and Andragogy Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Banha University

2 Clinical and Chemical pathology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Banha University


Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that imposes a heavy toll on both the skin and the rest of the body. Diseases of the psyche, liver, heart, and blood vessels are all linked to psoriasis, as is rheumatologic illness (psoriatic arthritis). Its association with subpar health-related quality of life (QOL) underscores the need of achieving maximum illness management. The purpose of this article is to examine the prevalence of dental problems in people with psoriasis. Conclusion: Dental caries, pulp and periapical disease, and periodontal disease are all conditions that are more common in patients with psoriasis. Patients who suffer from periodontitis are more likely to get psoriasis. the need of achieving maximum illness management. The purpose of this article is to examine the prevalence of dental problems in people with psoriasis. Conclusion: Dental caries, pulp and periapical disease, and periodontal disease are all conditions that are more common in patients with psoriasis. Patients who suffer from periodontitis are more likely to get psoriasis.


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