Progranulin in diagnosis of early onset neonatal sepsis. Is it reliable?

Document Type : Original Research Papers


1 Pediatrics Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Banha University

2 Clinical Pathology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Banha University


Background: Neonatal sepsis is a serious health issue. Proper diagnosis and treatment can help these neonates have better outcomes. The pathophysiological consequences of a severe bacterial infection during the first month of life might lead to a clinical illness known as neonatal sepsis. Syphilis is characterised by a cluster of symptoms brought on by microorganisms or their harmful byproducts in the bloodstream, as opposed to bacteremia, which is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Based on the symptoms the patient has, bacteremia might escalate to septicemia Objective: Progranulin was evaluated for its value in early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS). Methods: The neonates in this study were hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit within the first seven days of life. The septic group contained 10 neonates, and the control group included 10 healthy neonates. All neonates had thorough clinical evaluations and lab testing. Results: Septic neonates had more risk factors as birth trauma. Clinical signs were variable including respiratory distress and neurological signs. The total leucocytic count was higher in septic neonates as well as progranulin. Conclusion: Progranulin was elevated in EONS and may be helpful for diagnosis.


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