Outcome of Plate Fixation in Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries

Document Type : Original Research Papers


orthopedic surgery Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Benha University


Background: Lisfranc The complicated anatomy and probable long-term effects of these injuries make diagnosis and treatment challenging, notwithstanding their infrequency. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the radiological and clinical results of using plates and screws to treat Lisfranc injuries. Methods: The Kafr Elsheihk health insurance facility in Egypt and the Adan hospital in Kuwait were the sites of this prospective cohort research. From October 2021 to September 2023, the field research was carried out. A thorough preoperative evaluation was conducted on 20 patients who presented with Lisfranc injury. This evaluation included clinical, radiological, and demographic information. Dorsal plate fixation using different kinds of plates, as described in the operating method, was the mainstay of surgical treatments. Radiographs, complications, and functional outcomes were evaluated as part of an organised follow-up for patients after surgery. Standardized grading systems such as AOFAS and FAOS were used for this purpose. Statistical analysis revealed that AOFAS scores were significantly lower for smokers compared to nonsmokers (P value 0.005). Nonetheless, the AOFAS score does not vary significantly by gender, comorbidity status, or trauma type (P value) (0.316, 0.170& 0.974 respectively). Smokers' FAOS scores are much lower than non-smokers' (P value 0.005). Nonetheless, the AOFAS score does not vary significantly by gender, comorbidity status, or trauma type (P value) (0.212, 0.235& 0.908 respectively). Conclusion: Dorsal plate fixation is the way to go for stable anatomical reduction and great functional results after these injuries, thus it's time to stop using conservative approaches and start using


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