Immediate Results and Short Term Outcome after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Chronic Total Occlusions

Document Type : Original Research Papers


Cardiovascular Medicine Dept., National Heart institute


Background: Percutaneous coronary intervention( PCI )in chronic total occlusion (CTO) is a fast advancing area, regarded as the final frontier of interventional cardiology.
Aim and objectives: To evaluate the immediate results & short term result after percutaneous coronary interventions in CTO.
Patients & methods: This was a dual-center prospective research conducted on 65 cases scheduled for PCI on a CTO of native coronary artery at Benha University and National Heart Institute during the period from December 2021 till the end of June 2023.
Results: Regarding Comparing crossing strategies, Procedure time (62.5 Vs 135 min, p-value =0.011), fluoroscopy time (47 Vs 85 min, p-value equals 0.030) and crossing time (22.5 Vs 45 min, p-value equals 0.003) were significantly lower with antegrade approach. However, no statistically significant variance found between antegrade and retrograde approaches concerning the presence of complications, dissection (p-value equals 0.203), perforation with (p-value equals 0.254), CIN (p-value equals 0.346), in-hospital MACE (p-value equals = 0.064), technical success (p-value equals 0.505) and procedural success (p-value =0.267).
Conclusion: PCI is a safe & effective treatment for the majority of CTO lesions. Invasiveness and possible hazards of these techniques, which have been the largest concerns of CTO therapy, may be acceptable in the majority of patients considering the real occurrences of linked significant adverse cardiac events & the operative success rates.


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